

RosFM is a community radio station which was founded in 2004 as a result of a collaboration between voluntary organisations in County Roscommon. Roscommon Partnership Company (later amalgamated into Roscommon Leader Partnership), through its Enterprise Co-ordinator Noel Connolly, facilitated an interagency initiative to establish a Company called RosEqual and through this funded and established a Community Radio Station with a disability ethos. The initial start –up funding for RosFM was from the EQUAL Community Initiative which was financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and co-funded by EU member states within the 2003-2006 Programme. Equality, social inclusion and employability for minority groups are key pillars of the Equal Initiative.

The project partner organisations in RosFM included the Roscommon Partnership, the Brothers of Charity, the National Learning Network- Rehab Group, the Irish Wheelchair Association and Roscommon Support Group for people with disabilities. The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) granted RosFM its first community radio license in 2004 to operate within Roscommon town and its environs. The first Chairperson of RosFM was Noel Connolly and the first Secretary was Tom Flanagan. Bernard Kearney was elected Chairperson in 2006. The first Manager of station was Matt Rogers & Seamus Duke was appointed to that position in July 2021. Since its inception one of the hallmarks of RosFM has been the provision of certified training (QQI) in radio production for all its volunteers.

The Station has been funded over the years through a variety of government grant aid & funded programmes, sponsorship & advertising by local businesses as well as local fundraising shows & events. Sound & Vision from the BAI has been for many years a principal source of funding for the station & instrumental in the production of quality programming. One of RosFM’s stand out events in 2007 was a 35 hour Marathon Broadcast Fundraiser in aid of the radio station & the Special Olympics. The Broadcast was anchored by John Crean, Liam Sheringham & Robbie Dwyer. Other major fundraising shows included The Kings & Queens of Country, Elvis and Jigs & Reels. One of the station’s more recent fundraisers is the RosFM’s 50-50 Draw.

RosFM is an Award Winning community radio station that has distinguished itself in gaining Major Craol Achievement Awards for programming in Irish, Access & Inclusion, Traditional Irish & Folk Music & in the Arts. The Station has also won Easter Parade & Volunteering Information Service Awards. RosFM’s Awards are a tribute to all the volunteers who keep the station on the air week in week out.
